You Wanna Hear About My New Obsession?
Of course you do. Who wouldn't? They're vaguely horrifying, and yet so compelling. They're the toy I wish I'd had when I was a child. Unfortunately, they were originally released nearly a decade before I was, and I don't keep enough up-to-date on new toys to have known that they existed before today. In fact, the only reason I found out was because Knitty released some patterns today that just happened to be written for them. They look like this:

and they're called Blythes. And I want one more than anything right now. I want one more than I want the new Harry Potter book, and that's saying a lot. (Admittedly, if the book was available tomorrow instead of two months from now, I'd probably think differently.) The problem with things like this is, they don't take over my old obsessions. I seem to have an incredible ability to allow these things to pile up on each other. Hence the plethora of candles I collect but almost never burn. The thing is, these dolls are expensive - over $100.00 average, and that's for the new release version. But maybe that's their saving grace. If they were cheap and easy to get, my house would be full of them by tomorrow!
Right now I have over $50.00 in coins in my 'scooter fund' jar. I'd love a scooter, but realistically, I'm never going to buy one. The jar was really just to freak out my mom, who has visions of me splattered across the highway. But I will buy a Blythe doll. Someday. And if I turn the scooter fund into the Blythe fund, I'm pretty much halfway there!
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