This is almost turning into the knitting blog I'd planned it to be.
Yay, more knitting pictures. Transferring files from the camera, to the laptop, then to the desktop - and then editing them, uploading to photobucket and blogging them - always takes way more time than I expect it to. But here's my latest batch.
First off, from a wedding a few weeks ago, the debut photos of my Ribbon Xback. (I think I have some good photos of the amazing flora at the wedding as well, but I haven't taken the time to check. I'll post them if they've turned out.) Here's the front. I cannot seem to not look stupid in photos, especially when squinting into the sun, so I've cropped my face out. Sorry.

And here's the back. From here on in, you can click the image to see it full-sized.

I've also, finally, finished sewing the frou-frou onto my Cocktail Monkey Bag. I love how it turned out. So did the strange man at Folk Fest yesterday - so much so that he wanted to photograph it. Okay, that's not fair. First, nearly everyone is strange at Folk Fest in that they're unconventional and generally really friendly. Also, I was wearing a nude mesh shirt with a tattoo print under my tank top (from eight feet away, it looks real) and blue/gold pinstripe wrap pants with my bag slung over my arm - I think he was intrugued by the combination. Or maybe he just loved the bag. Who knows?

And a close-up.

I also got those damn Broadripple Socks done. As you can see, they're a bit too small for my big white legs. The ripple effect is nearly gone, and they kinda hurt to wear. After I wash them, I'll have to decide which of my skinny friends to give them to.

And speaking of socks, I've nearly got a pair of my versions of the Go With The Flow Socks from Interweave Knits Summer 2005. I'm using the KnitPicks yarn that I go in my swap with lumen2002. I couldn't be happier with how they're turning out. The photos in the magazine really don't do the pattern justice. Mine don't either, but they're better, though not nearly as pretty.

I also Kool-Aid dyed some of the Wool of the Andes from that same swap. Soon I will have that Skull and Crossbones tote. In green and orange. Yarr! It took forever to get a nice orange colour. I needed to use three packs of Orange and one of Cherry. But I love the end result.

Last but not least, some of the Knitty Coffeeshop folks have been subject to my occasional whinging about the sweater that was so close to being ready for the Half-Blood Prince launch. If only I'd had one more day to work on it. So frustrating. I got everything knitted, despite some mistakes (like knitting the sleeves on kneedles of two different sizes) and got some of the seaming started, but then ran out of time. I'm giving this a bit of a break, since I'm frustrated with it at the moment. I ended up with too many stitches on one sleeve, so I'll have to go and fix that. Plus I skipped the ribbing on the neck - need to do that too. And I did a horrible job sewing in the ends. I knew this would be a re-do, but I was hoping it would at least be tacked together enough to wear. Oh well. It will look great in November when the next movie comes out.

And that's it for now. I've got some more non-knitting photos that will get posted here eventually, and some knitting pics on undeveloped film somewhere in my room. (I put them "somewhere safe" again. Why do I keep doing that?!?) And I never seem to run out of random things to post, so until next time...
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