More SP goodness.
My second package arrived two days ago. I was out shopping with a friend and missed its delivery, but it was waiting safe and sound when I came home - a brown cardboard box with my name on it. And also the words "Yes, you may take this box as a hint! SP" The box is from, and has the remnants of a postal code, which means that my SP is either from Ontario, or is tricky. Very tricky.
Anyway, on to the goods.

First the non-yarn stuff. The card is a picture of a 1950's couple sipping soda through two straws - awww. I can't say that I'd want to live back then, but if I was forced to wear clothes from a different era for the rest of my life, I'd probably pick the 50's. Look at her blouse. Little eyelets (which you can't see very well in my photo) and an adorable collar. I could do that. Buddy definitely needs to do something about his hair though.
Next, a book. Hooray! One can never have enough books. (Unless, perhaps, she's a 1950's housewife. Hmm...) I definitely have a penchant for fantasy, but I'm by no means a connoisseur. Partly because my reading tends to be pretty eclectic. Partly because my prime reading years were dominated by Star Trek, Stephen King and Anne Rice. The result is that there are authors I've always meant to read, but simply haven't gotten around to yet. David Eddings is one of those. And now that I've been given the first book in one of his series, I have no excuse!
Now onto the yarn. The Cherry Tree Hill is kind of lost in the photo. It's quite a dark yarn, mostly green and green-brown, but there are shades of blue and purple hidden in there as well. It's quite soft, and I've been assured it's feltable. I'm goign to have to play with it for a while. I haven't figured out what to do with it yet, but that's kind of par for the course for me.
Except for with the other yarn. The Noro Kureyon. My SP says the colourway "screamed autumn" at her, and made her think of me. The colours are perfect. I absolutely adore this yarn! And, I've never used Noro yarn before. It's always seemed too expensive since I've never really had a project in mind for it, even though I stop to fondle it every time I visit the LYS. But I've already started knitting a scarf with it. (Inspired by this one, but half as wide. I just love how the 'mistake rib' shows off th colours.) I have to be honest - I have more scarves than any one person needs. But I don't have a skinny scarf, and I don't have a Noro scarf. Soon I'll have both. I think I'm going to want to buy another skein so I can make it super-long. Darn! An escuse to buy Noro! :)

Thanks once again, mystery SP. Time for me to start sleuthing...
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