Falln's Haven

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

She's Almost Here

I've been tracking my Blythe parcel ever since I got the tracking number. It's a thing I do, I guess, the same way I watch flights people (mainly Josef) are on when they're leaving town, so I know they've landed okay. Except this isn't a person, but still...

2007/02/15 11:00 International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada

2007/02/17 02:39 VANCOUVER, BC International item has arrived in Canada

2007/02/17 23:30 RICHMOND, BC Item has been processed and is enroute to the delivery office

So if she's left Richmond (where the airport is), and is on her way to the delivery office (not sure if that's the main Post Office building downtown or the postal outlet up the road) could that mean there's a chance I'll have her here by tomorrow? This is all happening so quickly. I don't even really have a place to put her right now. My office is clean, more or less, but I was hoping to have an empty surface to display her on and that hasn't quite happened yet. But I'll figure it out. This is very exciting.

In other news, I think she might be a Cordeliane. But I'll have to wait and see if the name fits when she gets here.



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