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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sarah needs... no explanation.

I ran across this today and found it hilarious. Basically you type "[your name] needs" into Google and make note of the most entertaining ones. Then you can email them to your friends, or post them in your blog, or just laugh quietly to yourself in the middle of the night.

Here are some of my favourites:

Sarah needs boats. Sarah needs boats. Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah needs boats.

Sarah needs to open up more on her Italian and tone it down on her English.

Sara needs to make chocolate cranberry turnip salad.

Sarah Needs A Cold Shower.

Sarah needs help getting to the Goblin City before Jareth turns her baby brother into a goblin.

Sarah needs to put her artificial leg up his butt.

Sarah needs a soft bed, you see, because she has a hormonal imbalance that makes her think she's pregnant.

Sarah needs a Godzilla sized Tylenol.

Sarah needs a better meteorologist.

Sarah needs to let loose with an album of slap-bass action.

Sarah needs to step away from the self tanner.

Sarah needs a happy mum, not a snotty, sobbing mess.

Sarah needs help getting into the bathtub.

Sarah needs to be hooked up to a respirator in order to survive.

Sarah needs a bone marrow transplant. Sarah needs your bone marrow to stay alive.

Sarah needs a team of committed people to pray for her.

Sarah needs to realise how over needy she has become.

Sarah needs to climb a mountain in Nepal, discover the meaning of life, and get it over with.

Sarah needs to stop posting random things in here.


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