Falln's Haven

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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Faramir Therapy

I think I need to seek professional help. Except I can't figure out a way to explain why, a year an a half later, I'm still fuming over the fact that a really brilliant movie adaptation of possibly my favourite book changed a relatively minor character in a relatively small way. I can't really explain it, except that he needs to be good enough for Éowyn, and the Faramir in the movie simply is not. Still, that doesn't explain why I'm angry. It's just a bleeding story for pete's sake!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

I know that I want a little red Vino. Not wine. Yamaha scooter. It is my bike. But today I walked past the Honda dealership. They had the orange Jazz out on display. And that's it. I'm in love. I've seen pictures of it online, but I didn't realize it was so... orange.

Thing is, I feel like I'm cheating. I've wanted the Vino for over a year. It's what's inspired me to finally start The Great BC Liscense Process. And now I'm lusting over this little orange Jazz. Fortunately I can't afford either right now, so I don't have to choose.

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