Falln's Haven

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Saturday, January 17, 2004

I'm tired. Well, tired doesn't really do it justice. I'm in that state where all I want to do is sleep, and I can't. I decided that it would be a good idea to work an eight-hour shift yesterday, and then go do a nine-hour film shoot. Some independent, I don't even know what it's called. A friend of mine is working on it, needed a bit of help, and I thought, 'sounds like fun, hanging out, getting a bit of new experience...' Always good to have a back-up plan for when work is slow. Not that I'm anywhere near being able to walk onto a proper set and be of any use at all. Doing things like bringing "a 4X2 on a baby" to the director of photography still require a lot of thought on my part. But no one yelled at me, and that's a good sign I think.

I got in at about 7:30 this morning. At this point I'd been up for over twenty-four hours, but I was wired and needed to stay up a bit longer and wind down. So I messed around on the computer until I felt tired, crawled into bed, and didn't wake up until the landlords turned on the earthquake machine at noon. Seriously, I don't know what it was. They’re normally pretty quiet, but it sounded like they were trying to break into our suite through the ceiling. Maybe it was just because I was asleep, I don’t know.

I was supposed to be working again tonight, but the camera operator can’t make it. The shoot’s been delayed by almost a week, mainly because of snow. It doesn’t snow much in Vancouver, so it freaks us out a little bit. Yeah, we’re a bunch of weenies. Unexpected day off; I should be doing laundry or something. Yup, I sure should. But I think I’m just going to lounge around, maybe play The Sims a bit (yes it’s lame, and I don’t care). I should probably eat too. We’ll see. The goal is to stay up late tonight and sleep in tomorrow. That way I’ll be able to do day two of the shoot on Sunday night and still be able to pull a full day on Monday morning. We’ll see how that goes. My weekday gig is pretty flexible, so if I’m dying I can go home. I don’t want to though, since I kind of need the money. Being an adult sucks.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Mmmm. Salmon was good. Fresh Sockeye is so much better than farm fish! Nice thing about living on the coast is the good seafood. Funny thing is, if you order it at a restaraunt, you're paying through the nose. It's rediculous. Especially when I can make the best salmon in lemon sauce I've had in months for about $5.00.

I decided on a yummy blackberry merlot instead of proper wine, so I'm having that now. Would have been a bit too sweet for the fish, and I wanted to savour that. Now I'm cooking lunch for tomorrow. Rice (brown, so it's going to take forever. I was sure I had wild rice.); stir-fry with peas, carrots, pineapple; fake chicken strips (not as gross as they sound, I swear); and sweet and sour sauce - that's done and sitting in the frying pan. Got an electric one for Christmas a year or two ago and haven't been able to break it in until now. We had no counter space in our last house. Oh, and I think I'm going to make a salad. Well, okay, I know I'm going to make a salad. I went to Safeway for coffee, milk, and stir-fry stuff, and ended up with lettuce, spinach, radishes, green onions, a green pepper, mushrooms and cherry tomatos. Yeah, I'm making a salad.

So I've been putting off this blog thing forever. I mean, it always sounded kinda cool, but then I'd wonder who'd want to read it? Anyone who knows me knows anything I'd put down here, and anyone who doesn't... well, I worry for them if they care about my rambling muses. But then I decided I don't care. I want a place to talk to myself every once in a while. So there!

I'm wet. It was raining today, and for some reason I didn't feel like using my umbrella. Maybe because five grocery bags and a carrier bag were more than enough to manage on the bus already. Note to self: re-waterproof carrier bag.

I've got salmon cooking on the stove. With lemon and basil and rosemary. I can smell it, it smells awesome. But it's not quite ready yet, so here I am wasting time while me stomach growls at me. Maybe I'll have a glass of wine too. That sounds good.

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